Help for 1 year old child,epilepsy
Hi, to all
I read a lot of posts, i want to ask you for help.We /our family/ are lockated in Europe,Bulgaria...Sorry for my english...
We have a boy /born 11.12.2007/, before 7 months he start to get someting like "petit" mal /doctors said that/ , and in the hospital they think it is epilepsy, is it posible to cure
my son with some way, and what i have to buy for cure my child,pls help me if you can,my boy is sick,pls.
In this link, in .rar format i attach all documents / 3 EEG for 4 monts, video clips and other examination-No virusese inside/ :
I am looking for your answares, ASAP.
Thanks to all in advance....Best regards.
Andrey Asenov