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Re: Question: Does alcohol make facial hair grow quicker?
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Re: Question: Does alcohol make facial hair grow quicker?

> the reason i am asking this is because a friend of mine
> thinks that the day after she goes out drinking of an
> evening she feels her facial hair seems to increase...
>could this be true? Could alcohol have such an effect on
> testosterone levels?

Possibly. A brief Google search on
alcohol "testosterone levels"
yields things like this:

Alcohol Boosts Testosterone Levels

Drinking alcohol could cause a powerful surge in testosterone levels in the brain and blood of some people, say researchers from the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. Dr Robert H Purdy and colleagues found that alcohol triggered a rapid increase in testosterone levels in the brains and blood of some male rats. Purdy suspects that this increase in testosterone levels could account for the aggressive behavior that some people display after drinking. The finding is in direct contrast to previous research, which have shown that alcohol consumption often leads to a dip in testosterone levels. While it is clear that alcohol does have an effect upon levels of the hormone, how alcohol can both lower and raise testosterone levels remains uncertain.

SOURCE/REFERENCE: Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research 2003;27:38-43

> I also wanted to ask when testosterone levels are at
> their highest in womens bodies? ie. just before a
> period? just after? or midway in the cycle? because
> i have this strange feeling that i seem to become alot
> more hairier around a week before my period...

The testosterone probably takes a few days to show through in growth. I think probably the factor which is likely to confirm or deny the situation with yourself as an individual is whether you feel randier just before or around the time you reckon you're hairier.

Now, if only more men would realise that hairier girls are hornier! :-)


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