Again this comes down in the same category of the right to die. It is up to every individual as to their choice but I have been preaching this for months.
Acetaminophen stays in your blood system for 5 years long after the pain leaves and when you need a operation or any kind of proceedure the pain is 5 times as worse.
I know, I learned the hard way. I fell when dancing against a large corner on a cement post and needed stitches. So I go there and the pain was absolutely unbareable. I screamed my head off, I then learned it was the pain meds I was using. The doc told me to stop immediately so I have stopped all such nsaids. I used Tylenol all my life and never realized it was killing me. So yes everyone can decide what they want to do but only after they know the truth. The same with ibuprophen I did not know it was so bad till I studied all the facts.