Re: upper lip skin darkening due to threading...HELP!
Is it fair to ask how many times over how many weeks?
Any idea how many hairs you actually removed?
Were they coarse of fine?
well i used to get my upper lip and chin threaded once a week because i have dark facial hair and very pale skin so it is very easily visible when it grows back, and it used to be around around 2-3 millimetres. But then i started doing it myself (thinking it would save me time, and money, in the long run, boy was i wrong!) and so i did it every3-4 days when the hairs were slightly shorter, but still visible. Its difficult to say how many hairs i threaded because i hvae many on my upper lip and chin, but the majority of them were coarse...however i have noticed that some of them have become thinner again since i have gone back to get it professionally threaded. Also when i was doing it myself the hair growth increased quite a bit...but i think it has calmed down a bit since...its so difficult to judge my facial hair growth because i find it is so volatile, ie. sometimes it grows in strong spurts of really coarse hai and other times it seems to slow down a bit and become a bit finer...strange!
yes u are right, all forms of hair removal will effect the skin somewhat, its just that i know other people who get their upper lip threaded (friends, cousins), and they dont seem to be affected in the same way.
I am using vitamin E cream on the area now and the darkness in the skin seems to have lessened just a tiny bit, maybe it will go with time....who knows!