Re: Givers and takers...
hmmm. not sure what inspired this...
but, pertinent -maybe pith- to its consideration
is, one perspective on one of the "precepts",
in Tibetan Buddhism. The 'straight up' precept is:
"don't take what isn't given", which can easily
be translated to the "Christian" golden rule,
or one of the "commandments". (and really,
all these labels are just that:labels)
The thing is, what isn't often considerd is
the 'reflection' or mirror image of that
(very wise) precept, which is this:
(and equally important to realize)
Don't *give* what isn't taken. (ah! and aha!)
reflecting on this, when veiwing the action
(or inaction)of others -- *and one's 'self'*
can be a world of teaching, unto itself.
Then too, the whole notion who "who" gives, and who 'takes' (much as Ram Dass has written of, when adressing the question: "who dies?") is applicable here -- That is,
on CZ, and, in all ways/"times".
We are all takers and givers. and neither. Really though, there is one being, believing itself to be many, ( all separate) coming to consciousness, and realizing it is ONE.