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here's a link to the 4 types of Hormone Kits
WhiteIris Views: 3,142
Published: 20 y

here's a link to the 4 types of Hormone Kits

If you do the self test and don't want to pay for all the saliva testing. You can buy a Hormone Kit which includes hormone homeopathic cream, and neuro-emotional homeopathic products associated with the root of this hormone deficiency. In other words, it erradicates the problem at thr source.

always recommend a saliva test because of the accuracy; however, there are circumstances that make getting the saliva test very difficult.

Therefore, I have put together the hormone rejuvenation kits for those who want to try this approach.

NUFEM is a HomeopathicTransdermal Cream, which is produced in a 1 oz Pump Bottle and applied topically.

NEURO-EMOTIONAL REMEDIES are Homeopathic meridian remedies, which are produced in a 1 oz dropper top bottle for oral administration.

Progesterone & Adrenal Stress Kit

NuFem #1
Neuro-Emotional #11 Thyroid/Adrenal
Neuro-Emotional #13 Female
Symptoms of progesterone deficiency:

Mind: Anxiety, depression, improves memory, mood swings (PMS), irritability, protects brain cells/brain function, maintains cell oxygen levels, Improves the cravings for sweets

Recommended Usage:

Nufem #1:
Day 10-21 of your monthly cycle or if you no longer have your cycle and do not remember the dates, just use it Day 10-21 of the calendar month.

NER #11:
Feel any confusion or anxiety then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

NER #13:
Feel any denial then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week.

Estrogen Adrenal Stress Kit

NuFem #2
Neuro-Emotional #11 Thyroid/Adrenal
Neuro-Emotional #13 Female
Symptoms include:

Loss of hair, flushing, migraine headaches, Depression are often caused by estrogen dominance in women prior to menstruation.

Whether you are deficient or have an excess of estrogens you will be safe using NuFem and Neuro-Emotional Remedies because they are homeopathic and have no side effects.

Deficient and Excess Estrogen can produce: hair loss, weight gain, depression, chronic fatigue, stressed adrenal glands, loss of muscle strength, irregular or stopped menses, hot flashes, breakthrough bleeding.

Recommended Usage:

Nufem #2:
Day 1-24 of your monthly cycle or if you no longer have your cycle and do not remember the dates, just use it Day 10-21 of the calendar month.

NER #11:
Feel any confusion or anxiety then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

NER #13:
Feel any denial then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

Male Testosterone Adrenal Stress Kit

NuFem #3
Neuro-Emotional #11 Thyroid/Adrenal
Neuro-Emotional #12 Male
Healthy normal levels of testosterone produce greater musculature, lower voice, hair growth patterns on face and body, etc.

Testosterone overlaps many of those functions of progesterone, but it is stronger in its ability to elevate the mood. It has less antiinflammatory action than progesterone does

Recommended Usage:

Nufem #3:
Every day.

NER #11:
Feel any confusion or anxiety then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

NER #12:
Feel any denial then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

Female Testosterone Adrenal Stress Kit

NuFem #3
Neuro-Emotional #11 Thyroid/Adrenal
Neuro-Emotional #13 Male
Nufem #3 (add the following )
This formula is used to balance testosterone levels and strengthen the adrenal glands. If your testosterone levels are low or you have symptoms of testosterone imbalance this is the correct kit for you.

Symptoms include:

women; excess testosterone can cause acne, hirsutism, baldness and deepening of the voice. A deficiency can cause weakness, loss of muscle tone, weight gain, sleep and libido problems.

Recommended Usage:

Day 1-24 of your monthly cycle or if you no longer have your cycle and do not remember the dates, just use it Day 10-21 of the calendar month.

NER #11:
Feel any confusion or anxiety then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.

NER #13:
Feel any denial then put 5 drops under the tongue every day for three weeks. Then use three times per week, as necessary.



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