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Re: electric shavers
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Re: electric shavers

>couldn't you just say your getting a b-day
>present for your brother, dad, husband, etc
>if you were to go into a store... that's what
>I planned on doing :)

I think store clerks might guess :-(

>Anyway, will a man's electric shaver work on
>my legs and other areas as well or just my face?

It will work in a fashion on other areas, but I reckon it's better to keep it for the face. In any case, the hair on my legs has largely disappeared over the years (they used to be hairier than any men's legs I've seen) and I don't bother with other areas. I think the point is that men's razors are designed to deal with very, very short hair -- which they do brilliantly -- but they can't deal with long hair. Before using them for the first time even on your face, you really have to over your whole face with the trimmer to amke absolutely certain there's nothing there that hasn't been cropped off very close indeed to the surface.

>It would be nice if I could use it for
>all over - less expensive!

Why not get a cheap bikini or beard trimmer? The beard trimmer is the same thing but usually a lot cheaper than the bikini trimmer. That will crop off the hair on your legs as close as the average women's electric shaver and if that's not close enough for you then you could run the men's razor over it afterwards.

>Also, do you remember the general price
>range of the Norelco's?

They cover a vast price range. I reckon the best value is just below the top of the range where you're paying $150-200. But you can get very similar models though with a simple nickel-cadmium rechargeable battery for about $70. I've found that the cheapest ones aren't so good, so I wouldn't buy one of the lowest price ranges.

I reckon if I'm shaving as often as a man does, I want something really good.Though I have head that some women who shave their face like the cheaper two-head models, though I find that they don't shave quite so closely.

Where the Norelcos really score is in their quietness, if you want to shave away from home. Especially when other women are around. Strangely enough, I've found that just about all the men who've found our I shave are really very nice about it (and they've found out because I've told them or they've seen me shaving), but I really wouldn't want other women to know.

It's very reassuring if I'm away all day, and also have to go to an evening function, to be able to have a quick (and quuiet) shave of my moustache and chin, even when there's nothing showing and I'd probably be OK for the evening, but if I shave again before the evening function I can be *certain* that there'll be no tiny bristles showing on my chin or black specks on my upper lip. The Norelcos actually depress the skin and lift each hair before they cut it, so that the hair end is below the surface after you've shaved.

>Thanks again for the helpful information

You're welcome.


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