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Re: Any body know what is the best zapper right now?
MZap Views: 8,468
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Re: Any body know what is the best zapper right now?

I found an interesting note on “ The Cure For All Diseases ”, pp 569:
“Tapeworms are segmented. The first segment is the head,
called the scolex. Tapeworms grow by adding a new segment to
their body.
“Tapeworms can have very large bandwidths (range of frequencies), and it varies by the length of the specimen! It is as if each new segment has a unique, and slightly lower, frequency.
“Do not use a frequency generator to kill tapeworms. If you
accidentally kill middle segments instead of working your way up from the bottom, you may conceivably promote dispersion!
“Use only a zapper.”

You have too an interesting chapter on “Tapeworm Stages” on pp 197
>Any body know what is the best zapper right now?
For sure, as everyone will say, “Mine is the best!”
Read this “Useful understanding of a zapper”

To have some questions to ask, before making your choice.

I found that zappers are like useful folding knifes.
You have some for $5, some for $500.
The best folding knife is the one you have unfolded, in your hand, when you need-it.
The best zapper would be the one you have “ON” and working, when you need-it.

Don’t be surprise if, with time, you find yourself with many zappers, as I have many folders.
The important point, here, is to have a good zapper, and TO USE_IT.

>Is Don Crofts terminator ok?
Yes, and many others too. Expensive, but OK.
Its very low frequency (15Hz) needs a longer use than other zappers with higher frequencies, and its very low area can sometimes burn the skin, if left on the same spot for too long.
For the “orgone” generator and other specialties, I can’t give any recommendation. It is not my field.

Have an interesting shopping.


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