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buttcrack Views: 1,764
Published: 16 y


Received my SORGHUM MOLASSES yesterday and cracked it open right away. It smelled a little strange. Put a teaspoon full of it in my mouth, let it sit for a while, chewed on it some and it reminded me of a sweet creamy substance i used to eat as a child called "cajeta." Tried it again an hour later and sure enough it tastes pretty close to cajeta as I remember it. For those who don't know what cajeta is here's an explanation:

Made some nut milk for my woman and put a tablespoon of honey like always and thought,what the hell and added a teaspoon of Sorghum. It altered the taste a little. It almost had a dairy milk taste to it. Very delicious. I couldn't help myself and downed a glass of this nut milk i wasn't going to drink. Not sure if drinking a glass of this milk will have some type of effect on my OJ fast. I'm on day 10.

Either way the sorghum is some really tasty stuff. The only down side I see is I have one heck of a sweet tooth and I can probably chuck the 1/2 gallon of this stuff in a couple of days and that would be expensive. Not sure what that would do to my fast either.


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