A Lamentation About Severe Adrenal Fatigue
An Ode for the Sleep Deprived
By sea0tter2
I pray this will find you, oh severly sleep deprived and desparate of heart, mind and strength.
May you know you are not alone and there are others.
You are not alone and there are others.
Others who suffer just like you.
Severe adrenal fatigue will take you to a place of the living dead. A place beyond your self in the land of long, continuous hours of being awake where your eyes will become dry from being open so long and vision will blurr.
You will know the torment of being so very, very exhausted yet unable to fall asleep; the pain, anguish and extreme edginess of a body in the mode of survival, having exhausted all compensatory mechanisms and is now running and surviving on the crude autonomic nervous system in the fight or flight mode.
Organs will slow their functioning in efforts to survive.
You will know what it's like to see all hours of the darkness from the windows of the bed you can't get up from. Strange swelling of your fingers and under your eyebrows and other places will scare you as you wonder if your heart can handle another round of the extra fluid that just leaked out of your cells and into your tissue. You'll have to learn to deal not only with the ever changing emotions, but the physical symptoms that come from low blood
Sugar and low cortisol levels, stimulatory neurotransmitters and a myriad of other chemicals and hormones out of balance. You'll study and study and study to learn more and to help yourself, but still you won't have the experience it takes to heal.
Friends and family won't be able to understand how incapacitating severe adrenal fatigue can be. You'll miss events and functions you once relished, but now have to forgo as you have only the strength to be in bed.
Relationships will be strained as you are hypervigilent and irritable and have waves of emotion wash over you which you have NO control over. And you will feel guilty for how you responded and won't even understand how the words could come out of you as it never had before. Patience & tolerance will be greatly reduced.
You may sink into bouts of stinging tears before you know you are low on certain chemicals, like 5 HTP and others, your brain needs to keep you from being depressed or that are going through retoxification symptoms. All this while running on no sleep for days. Much of this you won't be able to prevent but just have to figure out what is happening to you after it happens or figure it out after it's been going on for a while.
You could feel the weight of ever increasing medical debt as you are unable to work or even truly be which just adds to the burden upon your mind, emotions and body.
You'll fight with the medical establishment, doctors, doctor's staff with their incompetence and their greed while you fight to survive . Not only will you be mis-understood and mis-diagnosed when you know you have adrenal fatigue and you tell them.....
Your medical care will more than likely be mis-managed when you do seek the care you so desperately need and your condition may even be made worse!!! And still you suffer. Yet, you long to be well and have a life again or even just to SLEEP!!! Oh, precious sleep!!!!
The loneliness, the isolation, the hopelessness, the desperation. The constant, severe pain from inflammation will wear you down at times and land you flat on the floor for hours. Still you search for answers and HELP.
Your faith in the Lord Jesus will be tested, even though and sometimes, you will feel like you're forsaken, but He is there. Take heart, and "look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the CROSS, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls". You'll realize this is somehow being used to mold you into His image and strengthen your endurance and forge your character.
Fellow suffers:
May your hope be restored. May your life and health be recovered. May your strong will prevail and may your indomnitable spirit propel you to great realms. May you recover all your lost finances and get disentangled from debt. May the Lord send you at least one true, trustworthy and reliable friend on this earth.
And after having done all, may you stand!!!