I have no idea why anybody would use ozonated water and silver colloid together. I'm ignorant. That's two hyperoxidizers isn't it? The silver from SOTA Instruments is pure silver from my experience. What protocol suggests using ozonated water and silver colloid? This combination could be eating your guts, not the silver colloid per se. Yikes! All I know is when I make silver colloid in regular hydrogen peroxide, it makes mega-hydrogen peroxide that will take your skin off. So I'm suggesting that's what the effect is when combining silver colloid and ozonated water. I'd stop the ozonated water and be very careful you are making a rational solution of silver and not amping up the silver content in the colloid. A little works fine. Plus if you have exposure to hyperoxidizers from fuels i.e. being in a lot of traffic I'd sure take some gentle antioxidant to protect yourself like a buffered Vitamin C.