Well, on my opinion it should not be a problem (though I heard the distilled water is recommended).
Though I could assume one thing... Do u drink water from BLUE plastic bottles? If yes them, perhaps, it could be a reason.. I remember, when I was in Intitute, one of our teaches told us that actually is it dangerous to drink water from BLUE plastic bottles coz that blue plastic contains something dangerous for our health (I do not remember the name of it, may be kinda chemical)... I remember, one day, when I got bucket of flowers one day and I did not have any vases to put them in. So I took blue plastic bottle, cut the top of it, add water, and placed those 'poor' flowers in there. In a few hours, when I got back home, my flowers were almost dead. That moment I recalled the words of that lady who warned me about that blue plastic... So now I drink water ONLY from clear not colored bottles. :)