Re: Nose runs after eating?
I was told I had lupus, however it turned out to be a false positive. If your mom was on
Antibiotics , shortly before or while they took the test, get her to take another one. The only thing I tested positive for was a gram negative bacteria. One of the things this bacteria does is attack the pericardium.
My nose would run, not while eating, when bending over, while walking fast, for no reason at all and when ever my heart rate would go up. Whenever I woke up, whatever side I was sleeping on would be completely stuffed up.
With cayenne pepper, nette pot, new bed, wash bedding often, H202,
Colloidal Silver , herbs and better diet, I have improved. I still have to stay on top of it. I am more and more convinced this is because of my dental work.
Does anyone else with these problems have root canals, or bad teeth?