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Re: The Duck Vulcanel
Hveragerthi Views: 2,646
Published: 16 y
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Re: The Duck Vulcanel

 Moreless's theories are beyond mainstream concepts

They are beyond reason and beyond common sense. His claims are ludicrous, and when challenged he goes on religious rants calling everyone challenging him the devil since he cannot respond with real evidence.

Then there is the fact that he gives out dangerous advice. I see he has just convinced someone to give up their anti-seizure medications cold turkey. So is he going to stand up and take responsibility if this person has a seizure while driving and takes out a bunch of people? And he is falsely claiming that high quality honey will not raise the blood sugar?!!! Where does he come up with this crap?!!! The sugar in honey is the same REGARDLESS of its source. It will still contain glucose, fructose, sucrose and other sugars that will not only be absorbed, but WILL raise blood sugar. Again is he going to take responsibility when a diabetic listens to this bogus information and ends up in trouble after ingesting a bunch of "high quality" honey.

What I do find funny is how he comes to my board to learn then tries to make it sound like it was his discovery. Well, I guess it is in a way since he discovered it by reading my board. For example, the other day after two people complained of muscle cramping after drinking his calcium drink I posted about how magnesium relieves muscle cramping. Next thing he is telling the last poster complaining of cramps to take magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate. But he refused to admit that he was wrong. His ego won't allow that. Instead he continued to falsely claim that that the cramping was from acids. If that were the case then why didn't he just tell them to take more of his alkalinizing calcium drink? Oh that's right, because that was what was causing the problem to begin with!!! And if the cramping was being caused by acidity then why was he recommending ACIDIC magnesium sulfate? Oh, that's right, for the magnesium to counter the muscle cramping caused by the calcium drink!!! Then yesterday I was discussing how toxins not processed by the liver are stored as fat (fatty acids) in the body until they can be processed. And what is Moreless posting about today? That's right, how toxins are stored by the fats of the body, LOL!!!

 It's a David and Goliath battle one man against the multitudes of conventional thinking !

So Moreless is batting conventional thinking with irrational thinking?!!!

Corinthian the first troll to make it a full time job to discredit ML was well versed in establishment science, spent months, day after day doing what he could to discredit this science!

Made up irrational claims that he cannot back with any real evidence is hardly science by any stretch of the imagination.

He failed

ROTFLMAO!!! No he did not. He exposed so much of ML's false claims with real science. Like ML's claim that nitrogen is protein. How ridiculous is that?!!! Nitrogen is a gas. Proteins are solids. Molecule sizes are vastly different. Chemistry is very different....... How can you or ML claim that these are the same things? It has been proven so many times that ML just makes up whatever “science” he needs to back his bogus claims. Why do you think he has yet to provide any real evidence to his claims?

Like Vulcanel who has his own position of power here at Curezone lurches in his cave and makes his appearance whenever the opportunity arises to discredit this science!

Again, it is not science, it is unproven and unverified claims based on his bogus made up "science". Vulcanel has come after me as well, but I just come back with solid science and common sense to counter the claims. Moreless could do the same if there was any truth to his claims. Since there is no truth he responds instead with attacks and religious rants instead of real evidence. Sure sign of a quack. Or he sends out his attack dogs to do his dirty work for him. They make up lies about those who challenge his quackery to keep them busy defending themselves against the lies. That is the best they can do since they cannot come up with any real science to back their claims. 





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