All kinds of worms - what is best?
I have been using ParaShield and doing coffee/iodine enemas followed by a probiotic enema, and I am getting out lots of yeast, all these guys (visibly) except for the amoeba -
I am feeling better and starting to lose weight, after trying for YEARS. I am going to try Chiro-Klenz tea because I am often constipated. I am allergic to yeast, dairy, wheat, rye and kidney and pinto beans.
Is there anything else I can do to help? Garlic makes me really sick, as do spicy things, and I have
Gallstones and pacreatic attacks -- like a gallstone attack, but at the pancreas. The attack will stop almost instantly when I do a coffee retention enema and I will almost always get out worms and yeast afterwards.
I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired... I am trying to eat 80% raw vegan, no soy.