Did Anyone March Today?
Please, if you vitnesed demonstrations in your country, report it here.
Today, February 15th, Norway witnesed the largest demonstartion ever in the history of norway.
In Oslo, 60,000 people came to Youngstorget to say NO to War.
These are some of the messages from Norway:
- Iraq Today, Who Is Next?
(Just in case you don't know, Norway is the third largest exporter of crude oil in the world (2.9 million barrels/day in 2000), after Saudi Arabia (6.5 million barrels/day) and Russia (4.3 million barrels/day). Of course, Norwegians have nothing to fear, because Texaco, Shell & Esso are already in Norway since 1960.
Other messages:
- No Blood For Oil!
- There is no Logic in Using war to prevent war!
- Bush or Bushman?
- Iraqi Kids also deserve to live!
- Iraqi baby's life is equal in value to to a life of an American fire-fighter!
- Not in my name!
- Disarme Bush too!
- Make love not war!
- Bush, you are not a Superman!
- No war on Iraq!
- Bush, mind your own business!
- Bush, Stop stealing world's oil!
- Iraqi children are our children!
Largest Norwegian Cities, number of demonstrators and number of people living in that city in ()
Oslo 60,000 demonstrators (512,600)
Trondheim 20,000 (151,400)
Bergen 15,000 (233,300)
Srtavanger 7,000 (109,700)
Skien 1,000 (40,000)
Alltogether, over 100,000 people in Norway said NO to war.
A new poll conducted by research firm Opinion for newspaper Aftenposten this week showed that 57 percent of those questioned don't want the US to launch a war against Iraq even if the UN Security Council backs an attack.
The poll showed 31 percent supporting a US attack if the UN Security Council backs an attack, while 12 percent were uncertain.
Over 98% of Norwegians are aginst the war, if the UN Security Council is against.
Last month, 64 percent opposed any strike on Iraq, while 26 percent said they could support one.
The seven-percentage-point fall-off is represented by both sexes, in all parts of the country and among all age groups, according to the poll-takers.
At the same time, however, 68 percent now say they've developed a more negative opinion of the US, compared to 64 percent in December. Only 3 percent said they have a more positive view of the US, indicating that the popularity of and respect for the US has fallen significantly during the past several months of the Bush administration.
Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik of the Christian Democrats said he attributes the change to increasing recognition of the importance of the UN's role in the matter. "But I well understand that there's still strong opposition to a war," he said. "That's an outcome I don't want either."
Comedian burns US flag on live TV
Controversial Norwegian humorist Otto Jespersen topped his already incendiary career exploits when his closing monologue on a popular comedy discussion show Torsdagsklubben (The Thursday Club) ended with the US flag in flames.
Comedian Otto Jespersen has not yet noticed that his candle for a war in Iraq has ignited the US flag. Last year Jespersen's biting satire resulted in death threats after he ridiculed Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik.
Demonstrations in some other large Cities of the world:
London (UK) up to 2 millions (7 285 000)
Madrid (Spain) 1 million (2 879 100)
Rome (Italy) 1 million (2 643 600)
Berlin (Germany) up to 2 millions (3 386 700)
Sidney (Australia) Hundreds of thousands ()
Tokio (Japan) Just Hundreds of people ()
Bagdad (Ieaq) Hundreds of Thousands, up to a million
Please, if you vitnesed demonstrations in your country, report it here.