Re: your advice on whether i have an infestation and how to rid my self...
I just wanted to encourage you. I have had health issues since I was a child.
To make a long story short. Humaworm has been the best thing I have tried. I notice an increase in health and a decrease in symptoms with every cleanse (I have done 5).
I had:
1. intestinal issues, from food intolerance (I now am only gluten intolerant) to constipation.
2. Fatigue I too used to sleep 10-12 hours a day. I now am 7-8 hours.
3. I had lots of dizziness, now I have none.
4. Was on thyroid meds on and off, I am not on none.
5. Acne, improved on my 4th HW cleanse and went away after my 5th with a zinc supplement (parasites eat your nutrients)
6. Depression, panic attacks, all incredibly better after cleansing.
For my kids, all have improvements. Attention/focus, energy, digestion, bad breath, skin.
Humaworm is not a quick fix....but it is a true fix. For me it is like peeling away layers of disease. With each cleanse another layer is gone.
I also use coconut oil (helped my thryoid/energy), kombucha tea (great for liver), kefir (great for probiotics). I also use the in between herbs that RG recommends.
I second the Hu-Mana-Tea.