Re: The Biofuels Scam, Food Shortages and the Coming Collapse of the Human Population
Hi Luella,
You see, this is the same problem as everything else. The green energy groups (well, some groups) start pushing something and the first big business (BB) defensive action is suppression. If that dopes not work, decoy green groups are set up with a few purposes.
1) Absorb the real greens and thwart them.
2) Think up alternate useless solutions on which they can get research grants and waste money. (electric cars, low efficiency windmills, ethyl alcohol, etc.
3) Drum up propaganda to show (and deceive) public that there is a lot of BB and governmental support for "green" energy research and development.
4) Let the issue they have hijacked to die off.
The correct solution to the alternate energy sources would have been:
a) High efficiency wind turbines designed for low wind speed
b) Efficient surf collecting electric power.
c) Methyl alcohol from bio-degradation of high cellulose content waste (scrap wood, city leaves and grass, lumbering waste, paper waste etc) with its waste being used as natural fertilizer, with an accompanying mixed reforestation.
With kind regards, Slavek