Waging a war on delusional anti-americans
Counter to Claudio's 7 points of humorous attempt at rhetoric.
1) George Bush was elected in a fraudulent election: the fraud being on the part of the democrats and the leftist liberal news media. Gore tried to steal it but justice prevailed.
2) the first enemy of George Bush is the anti-American losers who should go live in Iraq. Oh ya, please do this country a favor and become a human shield. Then we can get rid of the traitors along with Saddam.
3) George Bush is a man of integrity and moral values, while you seem to be a deluded leftist.
4) the attack on Iraq is going to prove your petty theories wrong.
5) Saddam is the one who is satanically inspired and so are you if you think he's the victim in all of this.
6) Argentina's president is irrelevant at this point.
7) What spanish language postings? Is this more
Conspiracy theory?