Re: Some are calling for Impeachment
Do you ever find any articles in your worthless efforts do dig up dirt on America and it's leaders, that have anything bad to say about Saddam Hussein?
Your like a little kid with his hand in the cookie jar. You just can wait to find an article that agrees with your ignorant point of view. "OOH, lookie here, look what I found. Even though it's a bunch of propaganda, I think I'll copy it for the forum, HUH HUH HUH?"
Yet, no mention of Saddam and the men, woman and children he imprisons and kills.
Well, you just keep on your little Anti-American joy ride. You can stand with those who give comfort to the enemy.
The majority still see clearly through your lies and will back Bush, and Powell, and the war with Saddam's Iraq.
Bush and the American people can stand proud of America, while those Anti-Americans should bow their heads in shame.
God bless President G.W. Bush and God bless America.