22 y
Re: Ashcroft... self-gratification Is Terroristic
What gives you the right to compare us with kuba or libanon?
Yes, we do not want a war in irak. And we are afraid abaut terror as the result of war. But wher’s the problem ? this won’t be a clean war on tv, this means death !
What abaout your weapons, A- B- and C-Type? Does anybody in the world hunt you for owning them? No, but you do allover in the world. Everybody should destroy them, not only this small countries.
Where do all the dangerous viruses and so on come from? From the laboratories of Russia and USA, from the times of cold war. Doctors in all times and all countries fought them, but your scientists searched for the best way to kill.
We don’t want war, we don’t want terror. Like your peoples. But is that the true reason for all? No! It is oil! They own it, and they say, what to do with. Not you. But you cannot stand that, can you ? oil is the reason for all your activities in near east. Put a wall around them, don’t speak with them, don‘t trade with them, have a look for their army – but don’t kill them! They don’t have the american way of life, and you are not the police of the world.