JAB, she accepted the money or premise up until the last absolute second. But, in my mind....she gets way too much heat. She was a woman picked out of obscurity to be second in command.... a heartbeat away, as they say. Wasn't her chosing.....but she was never qualified for anything. Don't get jaded because of all of the bogus politicians that have come and gone in the upper eschelon of D.C. Sarah is/was a normal run of the mill gal......but got portrayed into something else. Probably not a bad person....just a person plucked from obscurity who now is trying to parlay it into an actual Presidential career. Which is a joke. She never earned or deserved anything. I have known numerous people throughout my lifetime who had minimal qualifications that I think could do better. But enough about ole Sarah......It is caribou hunting season up there...leave her be guys hehe..........