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Re: Roll Call!
ciscokid Views: 1,693
Published: 15 y
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Re: Roll Call!

Utra quick response here. 'mo layta...

The filtration system you mention. This is what blows me down like Popeye. I am flabbergasted at how susceptible, how image based, not just people, but conservative types are. I don't mean in the political sense. Just in the core belief system sense.

Today the Palin announcement reminded me of last summer when McCain ploped her onto his ticket. Within hours, I was stunned to hear several of my in this case politically conservative friends not just parroting the talking points, and I mean, in HOURS, but believing them. I know most of the men friends were blinded by the 60's hair do wrap and nice rack (pardon the vulgarity but is done for emphasis) and it took them a long time to finally wake up and realize you can't see Russia from Alaska, unless you really travel eastward.

But the unbelievable propensity to just follow, based on image, was stunning. Where the f**k is the filtration system????!!!! Lots of answers I know. But jeepers creepers.

I don't think it is more complicated that with mass media has come the erosion of discerning. There are ways to solve that methinks. For those close to me who walk in fogs, I'd like to drop them into a tiger's cage for a few minutes and let the experience quicken the blood. If we can't sort out the wheat from the chaff, it is impossible to have even a level dialogue about... this change.

This assume one thing of course. That I am personally not in a fog myself. Dunno.

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