I emptied out most of the water since they needed a water change anyway. I use a gravel vacuum to clean the bottom while I do their water changes since I don't like under gravel filters. So all the gunk gets sucked out in to 6 gallon containers then I take all this out and dump it on my plants for the nitrogen. Don't do this in the winter though if it is going to freeze. Lots of nitrogen and freezing weather will kill your plants.
I have always had aquariums. As I grew in size though so did the size of my "toys". So I currently have a 60 gallon, 130 gallon, and 150 gallon show tank set up with fish. Another 60 and 30 gallon full of salt water waiting to be filled. Won't be until October though before I do anything with those. And another 60 gallon tank currently dry. I have not decided what I want in there yet. I almost bought a couple more red pacus, but I was afraid they would outgrow the tank before I got their permanent home built. My one red pacu has already outgrown his 60 gallon home, and is soon going to be too big for the 130 gallon tank. And I cannot put him in the 150 gallon tank because he likes to eat everyone. He just ate my large pleco the other day so he has been in deep s***!!!!
I am going to build him a large pond in the living room. He cannot outgrow that, then I can also get him some other red pacus for company.