Assalamu Alaikum,

A poem for our beloved Sultan by one of his favourites in Sri Lanka. His name is Abdul Hadi.


My life, oh my precious life
Come and melt with me to become me
Oh memories, precious memories
Come and blend to be one within my heart

Oh lovely moon, oh precious moon
As in the sky you are one with me
And if there be love, sweet sweet love
come and melt it within my eyes

If time creates an obstacle
then mix me with the sand of the earth
oh life, my precious life, please come
and melt with me to become one with me

Oh thoughts, intense thoughts
Gushing forth in a limitless flurry
Come again and bond with my heart
And become truly one with me

Every breath that I breathe
Is always waiting only for you
And if my love doesn't come to me
I will burn myself at this very place
And only my ashes will remain

Even if my life departs
I do not become sad
And this is not the reason
For this song
To live in the future
With you in my presence
Is the hope for which I long

Is it the beginning now
or is it going to be the end
This decision I leave in your hands
My Life, My precious Life, My Love

Oh love, my precious love
listen to me and fulfill this my love
because today I have become one
and in you and with you I always remain

My beloved, today I have
gone beyond all limitation
I have broken all known bounds
There is no other ryme or reason
It is all for the attainment of you

All my old memories
and all my secret thoughts
have today indeed become one
and have melted and dissolved in precious you

My life, oh my precious life
come and melt with me to become me
Oh memories, precious memories
come and blend within my heart to be me

All my dreams, my most fervent dreams
have now become reality within me
The very first look of you thru my eyes told me
that I can never ever stay away from you

When the love light burns in one eye
Will not the other eye light up too
Like a river that gushes through the jungle
I am rushing headlong to see you

And like the soft breeze that hums past my ear
I am hearing the melody of my Lover's voice
Oh my God, oh my God, I am amazed
even my tears are tasting sweet today

So my love, my precious life
Let me dissolve in you
now at last we are not two
and every breath I breathe is you.