Re: Is this a hot flash?
I never had hot flashes...just warm flashes where I would sudden feel very warm for a few minutes...then it passed.
31 is very young for hot flashes, especially ones that sound so severe. If this has been going on for a year...are their any signs of changes in your period? More cramps...spotting...less regular...more frequent..color changes or clumping?
I would get myself checked out.
I will add that at 31 I had some very strange things happen..terrifying spells of shaking...heart racing...early morning insomnia. It went on for months...but not a year. It came back, to a lesser extent a few years later, and then disappated again.
I had no insurance to get it check out, so I chalked it up to early hormonal changes and let it go. I know that we start going downhill hormonally at....25! and in your early 30s there can be a few signs that your body is going through a shift.
In a healthy person, it should not be all that noticeable, if at all, but if you are out of balance homronally, it can be a roller coaster.
I would get the situation checked out by a doctor, to rule out anything dangerous if I were you... and then go to an herbalist or someone of that nature.