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orange juice
buttcrack Views: 1,715
Published: 16 y

orange juice

I've always been a big fan of orange juice. I grew up in a house were we had about 5 orange and 2 tangerine trees so I drink a lot of the stuff. Each tree and different type of orange have their own flavor. After i pick one tree bone dry of oranges i move onto the next tree and drink a new OJ flavor.
Now that i started the OJ fast yesterday I find diluting the juice to taste kind of lame. lol yea I've been spoiled.
I read in a post that MH said the Juice of orange or any fruit is very cleansing. Is it safe to assume the more juice consumed the more cleansing effect one will have during the fast? I also read that MH drinks the juice of 40 oranges a day. Would that come out to orange juice of 5 oranges 8 times a day?
I guess what i'm trying to ask is ok to drink more then a pint or 8 juice of orange per day? Would I get more or less of a cleanse if I drink more juice? WOuld it effect the fast in any way?


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