I find it strange that you would even compare the US President or any past president to the likes of Hitler. Hitler was a mad-man and proved it by his actions of openly directing his army to kill thousands upon thousands of inocent people, (Man, Woman and Child).
Has any president of the U.S. acted like that? NO!
Has America helped put a stop to similar actions of Hitler in other Countries, YES! Stop whining about a few little freedoms that don't even affect your day to day life.
Israel? Does Israel pose a threat to anyone? Does Israel openly show displays of hate toward other nations? No! Only if they first feel threatened. Israel's borders/land are often threatened. Whould you not want to retaliate if another country was threatening the our borders and wanting take our land?? Well it is a constant threat to Israel and the people living there. Why shouldn't they have the weaponry to proctect themselves.
Israel is not a threat!