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Re: Humaworm Does Work, I Didn't Want To Believe...Now I need therapy/counseling!
Please try to remain calm! You are not the first and you will not be the last person hosting parasites. Please try to stay positive and know that they are much better out than in. You are not a dirty person - you are not "sick in the head" - in fact, you are well on your way to good health!
I have a younger sister - who, like me - has been parasite cleansing since she was 2 years old. Every 6 months when she does her cleanse - she freaks out. She calls me every night for 30 days and she WILL NOT look in the toilet at all! I, on the other hand, deal in parasites all day long and have no problem with any of it.
Things that are new and unknown can be scary. I have a little grandson who is just learning to ride his bike without the training wheels. He was scared to death - but he wanted to learn. After several tries - he can now ride like a pro and is no longer afraid at all.
Same sort of thing going on with you - now you know that parasites ARE real and that they are REALLY coming out of your body - you are a bit frightened. That's all. Once you realize that you are not alone and that you are going to feel better than you have in along time - well, you will not be so afraid anymore.
The next cleanse will be much easier on your mental frame of mind :) You can take the In-Between formula for the 90 day waiting period. ( It will keep your body cleansing but it will not create resistant parasites.
Hang in there! We are all here to help :)