Hi there, I noticed your post, I can't get into your website, is there a way you can email me about this information?
Hi there,
Surfer27 here. I noticed your post on Fecal Colon Flora Replacement and was wondering if, you could email me this information, since your website I tried to access does not work. Do you have to have UT, to be accepted for this program at all? I ask, because I have been dealing for the last 3yrs, with this fecal aura that seems to be around me wherever I go and it's most annoying and I can't, seem to get rid of the darn thing!!! The worst part is that, its coming from my rectum area and it smells like crap, even though I have got great hygiene efforts, I believe this is something that is an internal problem and tried a whole lot of different solutions and nothing's worked!! Would you recommend this to me and have you found lately, that this worked for you? Before trying this, could you briefly describe to me, some of your body or bowel symptoms? I ask this because, I need to know, if I am on the same page as you. If you could email me this information, that'd be great! My email address, is: rannunziello27@live.ca. This is where you can contact me and I look forward to, hearing from you. Thanks and take care of yourself.