No, the only potential problem herbs in there are the berberine herbs. But with the tiny amounts you will be taking you do not need to take breaks since there will not be enough berberine in each dose to cause a problem as long as you ignore the instructions on the bottle. They recommend 1 teaspoon, which is a lot. You do not need large amounts of bitters since they are not being taken for a chemical reaction in the gut or blood as with most herbs. The whole principle of bitters is to stimulate the vagus nerve, which will in turn stimulate the release of stomach acid, bile, and pancreatic enzymes, as well as stimulate flushing of the liver. Therefore you only only need enough to taste it, which is a very small amount. That is why I recommend a half dropper full on the tongue.
I generally do recommend people start out slow though, once every few days just to make the initial detox a little easier from the liver flushing. Then work up to three times a day with meals if they are over 40 years old. This is the age where stomach acid levels have declined enough to start causing serious problems such as chronic heartburn and nutritional deficiencies.
And always remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to minimize the detox reaction from the liver cleansing.