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Re: M JACKSON´s wrong color???
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Re: M JACKSON´s wrong color???

in this world
people of various colors are "used" by the governments to control their countries.....these folks are allowed $$$$ and power for a period of time...but as the good pope has proven for well over 1,000 years..when your no longer of use, they take back the $$$ and remove you from power one way or another, such as sadam, noreago, etc., etc....otherwise this is a white world when it comes to laws and power. m.j. had way too much $$$$ and popularity as many entertainers find out when the irs and other government forces start seeking the wealth back.

the asians know the whites kill them off when they start out numbering the whites and once again the brown people are out numbering the white people, only this time the brown people have many weapons of enormous destruction also...and there is a world wide war going on now over power and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ which boils down to the asian governments against the european/american governments as wars between the families of power.

anyone that is not white will never be a blue blood and for as long as the blue bloods own this world, they will enforce the laws that are designed to keep people under control. so as long as there is an un, a pope, the who, kings/queens and emporiors....there will be a system that only allows the whites to get away with crimes and have millions/hundreds of millions of $$$$.

it is no differant than the clubs at the colleges....if you refuse to be a member, refuse to be a brother...when you enter the work force, you will discover the brotherhood are the lazy scum of the earth doing no work, while the honest people do the work for them.

in the same theory, any black man with a hundred million+ $$$$ had better not show it off, because the true brothers, those old white #### with homes around the world and own the banking systems and play on those might yahts, etc.....etc....will use their laws to discredit anyone on this earth they choose and michael jackson didn't seem to want to play their games and he chose to be "differant". while on the other hand, american is loaded with old white farts owning millions upon millions worth of large corporations and some of the most perverted indivuals on the planet that just like their masters/priest; they can have sex of the worse kind and murder just part of their maintaining their power and no laws bother them, they don't pay taxes, they are the tax systems...

it is not what you know, but who you know in this world...the laws only exist for those that do not know the right people. m.j. should have lived any where but the usa and never left a dime inside the u.s. the masons created the un and all people of color in the un are nothing but people willing to sell out their own countries in exchange for some power and $$$.

will the asians fight the whotes world wide???? probably not, because agreements will be made between the families on who will control what...unless one side or the other creates a super weapon that would allow them to kill the others before they could kill them, such as what happened with the h and atomic bombs...but for right now, it is a stand off and just a $$$$$$ war between the asians and th euro-whites.

in my theory, if m.j. had been white and in the brotherhood, he could have done all he wanted ever so perverted and had no problems...but he didn't and he was the wrong color to get away with it.



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