olive leaf extract good news does not kill good gys
JUST READ THIS ABOUT OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT This active component of Olive leaf extract has been found to:
Powerfully strengthens the immune system
Normalizes blood pressure in animals
Increases blood flow in the coronary system
Helps inhibit oxidation of low-density lipids (bad cholesterol)
Helps prevent intestinal muscle spasms
Neutralizes the production of reverse transcriptase as well as protease
Inactivates harmful microorganisms by dissolving their outer lining: proving highly effective against a remarkably wide range of viruses.
Exhibit powerful anti-parasitic and anti-fungal properties.
Acts effectively at low concentrations without harmful influences on the host cell mechanism
Be extremely safe and non-toxic, even at high concentrations.
Despite the ability of d-Lenolate to kill off bad bacteria, it has been shown to feed the good bacteria in the gut and promote its growth.. In an experiment by Dr. John Vorhees of Nevada using acidophilus, bulgarus and caucacius, Olive leaf extract was added to a batch of yogurt prior to incubation. Not only did these good bacteria thrive, the resultant yogurt tasted rich and full blooded.