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Isn’t it great to have a forum where we can give and receive information from a lot of different perspectives and experiences.
Becca_beee Views: 1,489
Published: 20 y
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Isn’t it great to have a forum where we can give and receive information from a lot of different perspectives and experiences.

I agree with Happy Dog in part...

…..If the blood tests are done correctly you will be asked where you are in your cycle. Your cycle is divided up into three phases: Menstrual, Ovarian, and Luteal Phases; I believe are the terms, but don't quote me on the terms. It is very helpful to know your blood levels **AND** know your cycle phase. Especially, if we were like me, in the education process, never been down this road before. It does two things, keeps the power of your health in your hands instead of just trusting the health care provider to *DO WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU*. How many of us have mother's who've been taking anti-depressants, etc to treat menopause because the doctor thought it was best for their health. These things don’t give your life back to you; they just send you down the road in a drug induced stupor the rest of your life masking the symptoms. Let’s face it we’re all here because we don’t just sit back and let life happen to us. We are seeking to take control of the events, plans and outcome of our future; trying to gather knowledge and information. The blood tests can also GIVE YOU confidence in your health care provider and allow you to work WITH your health care provider to reach your best informed treatment plan. Absolutely I agree with Happy Dog that levels can very from day to day, hour to hour, and stress to stress. And I absolutely believe you can look at a person's body type and get an idea of what their hormone type is. But my point is don't be so quick to negate the blood test UNLESS like Happy Dog you are well versed and have done this HRT before. I don't plan of ever having to have another blood test for my hormone levels again. However, I extremely glad I had the first one. I don’t think my Rx is exactly right for me at every moment in my life…hormone fluctuate, right? But my Rx kept my fluctuations within range from the start and I responded well to the prescribed solution based on my blood tests, so no futzing with the solution strengths just relief from dis-ease.

All that said…Isn’t it great to have a forum where we can give and receive information from a lot of different perspectives and experiences.



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