Re: $1,500 dollars! *faint*
Hi Becca Bee,
I have been following your posts. Thanks for all your insight and sharing.
So far though, I have only bought and read the Sexy Years book.
SS makes it sound like I will need to see the doctor only once. The rest can be done by phone. Confusing, especially since I do not have a doctor nor insurance.
It appears finding a doctor who will work with us IS the hardest part. Otherwise, I am convinced and want to suppliment with natural hormones for life!
The packaged hormone tests online seem to be priced at most LMP12 package deal for $336.00 dollars. One source from the last pages of the book mails the results and interpretation directly to the buyer of the tests.
Bummer, only 24 states allow this, not mine. Sure would have liked to get in on this.
Maybe I should bring in a copy of the prices from the aeron website and others when I go doctor shopping. Because no way can I afford to drop 1500.00 plus.
Is it really only $65.00 a month after getting the tests done? That I could afford.