My sympathies, I went through this with my husband briefly. It seemed as soon as we were sure I was going through menopause every time I was upset he just chalked it up to hormones. I did two things: First I explained the things that bothered me before were still the things that were bothering me currently. But the difference was instead of being able to say "ugh, I wish he/she/they wouldn't...." my response was "Why do(es) he/she/they have to do that, don't they understand....." and off I would go to explain to them the depth of their transgression. The key was the irritation was always there; my ability to sweep it under the rug and ignore it had diminished. Understanding that my irritations were not new and not unfounded seemed to make a difference. Don't get me wrong it was a process to get his understanding to this point, once men have made up their mind about something it's take persistence to get through. The second thing I did was to recognize while my irritations had not changed, my ability to handle the irritations way I had in the past had changed,and I also didn’t like the lack of life I was feeling in my body. So, I did a bunch of research and I started *BIO-INDENTICAL* hormone replacement therapy (see my posting below), this has given my husband his wife back and me my life back. My best to you, I understand where you are. I can't say that my situation fits yours, but maybe my experience will help you.