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Re: New studies show a lot of evidence that Hormone Replacement therapy may cause cancer!!!
becca_beee Views: 1,533
Published: 20 y
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Re: New studies show a lot of evidence that Hormone Replacement therapy may cause cancer!!!


I've pasted a couple of quotes from the link you provided that I'd like to address.

*****The group also concluded that the combination contraceptive pill, taken by about 10 percent of women of reproductive age, increases the risk of more types of cancer than previously thought*****

This study does not make the distinction between bio-identical and chemical hormone replacement therapy. But as mentioned in the above statement the flavor indicates mainline rx/physican prescription therapy.

I would suggest you see my posting below on bio-identical horomone replacement therapy. Bio-identical are just as stated, bio-identically the same as what your body produced in youth. The big pharmacy companies can't make a profit on this product since they can't patent nature, so you don't hear about this a lot. And by the way my progest/test costs me about $70.00 a month delivered to my door.

*****"Most of the studies were using pills 2 1/2 to four times the dosage that I'm using today in most women." *****

As usual, give the lab rat 100 times more saccarine than a person would consume in a life time and see if they get cancer.

I agree that consumption of any chemical substance should be avoided, but if there were no bio-identicals I would probably still take the rx.



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