chaste tree and wild yam too weak?
I have had a fibroid growing for about 5 years. It is now about
6 cms. According to my family doctor....if it grows any larger it
would have to be removed. Also, I have been gaining weight and
eating very an alternative I visited a homeopath in Sept.
who reviewed my information and had me perform a saliva test
and came to the conclusion that my progest. and estro. levels were
unbalanced and my adrenal glands needed a boost. She put me on 10 HAD
drops twice daily and Relora 300 mg twice daily, and a drop of iodine
rubbed into my inner elbow once daily and something called dv plus
capsules on cap twice daily (150 mg of chat tree and 150mg wild mexican
yam) well...the first couple of months went great. My period lightened greatly
and was quite light and I even lost 10 pounds...I was feeling great.
Anyway..when I went to get more dv plus capsules...the whole saler was out of
stock so the homeopath mixed me a batch in liquid form...(chast tree and wild yam) period arrived and I bled heavily for about one week...could it be that
the liquid is too strong or too weak? It finally stopped for a couple of days
then I spotted for about 3 days...I got a call the other day that my dv plus
finally came in. I started back on that and now I have my period
could say I have had my period for three weeks now...this is worrying me. I’m
not sure what I should homeopath went of a Christmas vacation and I can’t ask her.
I like taking the liquid form because it’s a lot
less expensive but right now..I’m ready to stop it all...and to top it weight is starting to go back up too...geez...any suggestions please?