A lot of women start having heavy/ irregular periods in their 40's and it is a hormonal change signaling the start of perimenopausal synptoms. You should always see your Dr for annual testing, but most of these symptoms are normal but irritating. A really informative book that I suggest is What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause by John R. Lee. Believe me, this book is worth buying! It has helped me with a lot of my symptoms, including the problems that you are having. As far as testing your hormone levels--most hormones flunctuate so much that they are hard to test. The only closest thing to an accurate test is a saliva test--blood tests are highly inaccurate. Unfortunately, most insurance tests won't cover the cost and they run about $150.00. Even without the testing, the information in the book may help you immensely. Good luck.