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Re: So you are saying liver stones are caused by parasites?
knows Views: 3,750
Published: 16 y
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Re: So you are saying liver stones are caused by parasites?

Yup, kill the bugs, keep on killing them till gone.

Once on the bug killer they're efects on the human body are minimized. The antiparasite fomulas incapacitate them, basically immobilizing them from proliferating or causing any more problems.

Once neutralized start flushing.

Thus once you start an antiparasite program don't take any breaks from it and don't stop until the parasite issue is resolved. Which usually takes a good year. And even then stay on every third day just to make sure if any eggs that are hidden away do hatch the parasite is killed immediatly.

But yeah, start flushing as soon as you can. From 5 days to two weeks AFTER you start taking the antiparasite products. The bug killer itself stops any proliferation and imobilizes the parasite.



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