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Imagine that!
Tony Isaacs Views: 2,458
Published: 16 y
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Imagine that!

Who would ever believe that a complaint would be lodged by a deceptively named group which receives funding from Big Pharma and other industries whose agendas may not be all that much "in the public interest"?  Or quote a deceptive and misleading study by an agency largely controlled by Big Pharma and the cancer industry?

Note some of the funding sources and grant sources of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI):

Rockefeller Foundations, John Merck Foundation, Wallace Genetic Engineering Foundation and the shadowy Tides Foundation, which serves in effect as a "money-launderer" which enables big pharma and other industry groups to pass money through by way of anonymous Tides Foundation grants to causes they do not want to be identified with.

To me, it looks all too similar to the funding sources behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver.  I note that the CSPI has teamed up in the past with what calls "the fear-mongering and grossly misnamed activist group", the Center for Food Safety", which, along with it's sister organization, the International Center for Technology Assessment, enlisted other activist groups which also were funded and connected to Big Pharma to petition the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide.


Merck, other Pharma Companies Funding Activist Groups behind the EPA Petition to Regulate Silver

And, as far as the quotes from the NIH study on selenium, for a different perspective on what really happened in that study, see:

Spinning the Truth About the Halted NCI Prostate Cancer Study

Always follow the money and always see who stands to benefit from proposed actions and study outcomes.



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