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FDA: Zicam causes loss of sense of smell
John Cullison Views: 1,237
Published: 16 y

FDA: Zicam causes loss of sense of smell

'WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumers should stop using Zicam Cold Remedy nasal gel and related products because they can permanently damage the sense of smell, federal health regulators said.

The over-the-counter products contain zinc, an ingredient scientists say may damage nerves in the nose needed for smell. The other products affected by the Food and Drug Administration's announcement Tuesday are adult and kid-size Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs.

The FDA says about 130 consumers have reported a loss of smell after using Matrixx Initiatives' Zicam products since 1999. Shares of the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company plunged to a 52-week low after the FDA announcement, losing more than half their value.

"Loss of the sense of smell is potentially life threatening and may be permanent," said Dr. Charles Lee, of FDA's compliance division. "People without the sense of smell may not be able to detect dangerous life situations, such as gas leaks or something burning in the house."

Matrixx defended the safety of its products, but said late Tuesday it will withdraw Zicam Cold Remedy Swabs and Zicam Cold Remedy Gel from the market.

The FDA said Zicam Cold Remedy was never formally approved because it is part of a small group of remedies that are not required to undergo federal review before launching. Known as homeopathic products, the formulations often contain herbs, minerals and flowers.

This is old news to CureZone -- but the Conspiracy minded among us will notice the problem that was created -- damage due to not being required to submit to testing because of the "homeopathic" nature of the remedy -- with the hope that the public will now demand that the FDA be tasked with approving "homeopathic" products so that we don't risk being damaged like this. Nevermind that if it had really been "homeopathic", it wouldn't have had enough zinc in it to actaully do anything.

Anyway, the rest of the article is here.


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