Re: Pinworms:Parasites and Colliadal Silver
hello giddy
i'll tell you something but don't take it to seriously as i need more results to verify.
i think silver could help against worms.
i have also tried humaworm, and from the short treatment i have had with silver, i'd say silver is more potent.
i make silver from a 999 content coin and add two-three drops of
Iodine and distilled water. i drink this twice a day.
one can also made ionic silver with drops of lemon or vinegar instead of the iodine. but
Iodine is a strong pathogen as well.
i suspect i have pinworms as well, i was last year in a tropical country for an extended period, and detected a pinworm in my feces. their population did not blossom up to crazy proportions like when i was a small child, but rather kept just on the limit of me noticing them.
i did a humaworm, regular strength, but saw no evidence in the feces, however the nightly itching stopped.
now, one year later, i think i have the same thing, i took humaworm, but took them in four days rather than over a month, and i added extra cloves, a lot of it. i took the monthly dose in four days, hoping to see die off's, but nothing happened. Then i took out a silver coin, put it in a glass of water and added a few drops of iodine, waited for a minute, and drank it. the third day of drinking silver now, and the itching has reduced markedly, and yesterday, i made a loose bowelmovement where i saw small inert tread-like filaments think as a pin but the length of a nail. it could be fibers from vegetables, but i think not.
they were slightly longer than the worms i saw as a small child,
good luck giddy