My left side of my head is really starting to breakout ?? It's just the left side for some reason? It started with a couple of sores around the temple area, but now it's reach around to the back , still in the hairline, like behind my ear and the top of my neck in the hair? Any particular reason why this is? I haven't changed my shampoo or anything. Besides I would imagine that would break my whole head out. These bumps are really painful to the touch. I guess if I would quit touching them it would help with the pain, huh? :) ha
I can't help it, but I am a picker. I try to remember not to. But it's like I don't even notice that I picked till I feel blood coming out !!! Then I cuss myself and grab a tissue and wait for the blood to stop.
Oh well, just was curious as to whether it's normal to break out on just one side and not the other???
Thanks for letting me bend your ear instead of pickin behind mine !!:) haha