Re: taking noni juice and feeling strange...
Hello, thank you for the reply. I am getting the noni from wild trees at the beach here in India where I live so they're definately organic. Noone would spray them as the locals don't use it.I guess it may be stronger though than the bottled variety because it's not pasturised or anything - I just juice small amounts at a time and keep it in the fridge.
I am trying now a smaller dose and I'll see how it goes. ideally I'd like to give it a 2 month trial to see if it helps my menstrual cramps but I'll have to stop if this tiredness persists.
The thing is I don't know how I can know if it's a cleansing reaction or an adverse side effect of the NOni. does anyone know any expert I could consult? All the information I have got from net is from juice companies.
About the dreams - they were vivid and a bit disturbing so I wouldn't recommend taking it for that purpose but I did come across someone else with that experience who made a post on this site. My dreams have been really emotionally intense and involve things from my childhood so I am wondering again - adverse side effect or emotional cleansing????
How to know?
Anyway thanks again for the reply!!