Re: What is a "logical juicing program?"
Since 'Wings is taking an "internet break" to focus on real life, I'll 'do the honors' -
Hi wings... I did read that schulze, if it is a gallon of juice a day.. wow.. that's alot... can you help me figure out how to actually work out the logistics of that? how long would it take to juice that much juice? I want to be sure and be clear on this - when doing the full Incurables Program, one must (should) do their best to juice fast for a full 30 days...and do their best to ingest a gallon of juice. It is a RARE person that can ingest a full gallon of juice AND water AND herbal teas AND the Potassium Broth required on the IP. It seems to me that you are not actually interested in doing the full IP program, just a good healing cleanse. If that's the case, you can do that without juice fasting for 30 days, and without drinking a gallon of juice a day...but as you know from Dr. Schulzes information, juice fasting the full time DOES make the cleansing more effective.
I have to be to work by 8 am, and I am NOT a morning person... I try really hard to get up, but most mornings I'm so sick and tired, I really struggle getting up... and can usual be up by 6:30... but that only gives me an hour and 15 minutes to walk the dogs, shower, get dressed, feed all the pets, and give them their herbs... many times I just grab an apple or orange, or toast, and cup of coffee, and I'm eating on my way to work.. So, I'm thinking I'll have to add in time to wash all those fruits and veggies... time to actually juice them... not to mention cleaning the juicer, between juices.. (which takes a while!)... I don't have time to come home at lunch, since I only have a half an hour.. so, what do I do about my lunch and afternoon juices? I'm assuming that the juices will lose their nutrients if they sit for hours and hours, right? I'm overwhelmed just thinking of it.. what about doing all the juicing the night before? is that even feasible? or would that make the juice undrinkable, after sitting for so long? YES! YAY!!! Juicing the night before (or even 2-3 days before) IS feasible...IF you do it correctly and follow these instructions. My husband and I have done MANY 10-15 day fasts and one 30 day...and we actually juice MORE than 3 days worth and put some of the jars in the freezer (this is NOT "optimum", but it is better than not juicing). I'll be starting another 10-15 day fast around the first of the month
So, can you, or someone else, help me break down a routine that I can actually work into my very busy life? I desperately want to get started... but, I know that if I overwhelm myself, and don't have a reasonable plan, I will fail... You are VERY wise - both solid knowledge AND a very 'reasonable plan' are essential when cleansing and being our own doctor! By using canning jars, you can easily juice everything you need in an evening (for the next day, or for the next 2, maybe 3 days), and then take your 8 oz or 16 oz jars with you in a little cooler wherever you need to go.
OH, and a couple more questions... if I do a colon cleanse, and work in a few more liver cleanses, won't that ruin the juice fast? since I will be drinking olive oil, and also all of the colon cleanse stuff? That's a VERY logical question! But actually the opposite is true - the colon cleansing works MUCH better when there is no food to interfere with the cleansing effect of the product (but it is MUCH better to start the cleanse and do it for a few days while eating your normal diet and get those bowel movements regulated to 3x daily BEFORE starting the juice fast - because the bowel activity lessens when juice fasting, so it's difficult to get things regulated). Because up to 65% of the bodies energy (normally spent in the tedious process of digestion), will be free - ALL of the cleanses will work much more effectively (because the body can use the energy it normally wastes on digestion to 'assist' the cleanse). AND, some people have a very difficult time getting the liver to open up and flow freely when they're NOT having several bowel movements daily. The debris that comes out of the liver is VERY toxic...and anything mixed with bile reabsorbs into the bloodstream extremely rapidly. Our body/liver KNOWS this, and a liver that's already compromised and overburdens doesn't care to harm itself by releasing weeks/months/YEARS worth of toxic debris to reabsorb in the span of ONE DAY! So cleansing the bowel while liver flushing is VERY beneficial to the flushing (and to ensure the bowel is clearing out the debris).
Also - the IF#2 contains both bentonite clay and activated charcoal. When fasting in any way (water or juice) the body does release a lot of toxins. The charcoal & clay will draw those toxins out of the bloodstream and into the digestive tract to be safely "flushed away" - rather than having them in your bloodstream to compromise the already compromised liver & kidneys we all have.
Does the oil from the flushing "compromise" the juice fast? If you are juice fasting SOLELY for the reason of detoxification or weight loss, then oil is pretty much prohibited on a fast (which generally results in the formation of intrahepatic liver stones/gallstones). Those doing the Master Cleanse realize that afterwards they should always do a liver flush, for exactly that reason. On this forum we are not using the juice fast solely as a means to detoxify or for weight loss. We use it for all the reasons mentioned in the link you've read...a "nutritional IV" that floods the bloodstream/body with vast amounts of nutrients & enzymes AND to ensure that our body can use the energy normally spent in the process of digestion to heal itself and better support our cleansing protocols.
Thanks for all yo ur help.. You're more than welcome! Healthiest of blessings - Unyquity