Lingering UTI - help
I got what I thought was a UTI 6 days ago. Bad symptoms (burning + odor + pain) day 1, then less for several days. It's now worsening and I have a mild fever. No kidney pain, but the bladder pain is pretty bad, especially at night. I'm getting fatigued too. I went to the doc but my urine test results won't come back until Monday. Also, my urine is very clear (no obvious cloudiness).
I'm in my late 40's and am recently menopausal, but rarely have had UTI's in recent years.
I had recently purchased some
Utopia-Silver and for the last several days have taken about 4 ounces. I also was taking a preparation that has Vit C + bak soda, and took lemon separately. Also did baking soda baths for 3 days.... My urine PH is 7.0 right now.
Any suggestions? I have heard of D-mannose which I think I will try but I am very sensitive to sugars and wonder if this might make me worse. I will also get some Uva-ursi tea.
Could the CS be making this worse? I read somewhere that a few folks had reported worsening of UTI symptoms with
Colloidal Silver . Should I lay off the silver?
I'd appreciate any suggestions!