I would like to share the following testimony that I receivedthis morning in our Oleandersoup for Pets Natural Healing Forum:
Hello everyone! Just a little update on Molly (10 yr old cocker spaniel with lymphoma). The oncologist and our vet both gave her 4-6wks (8 at the most) without chemo. That was 9 1/2 wks ago! We did decide to use prednisone since her lymph nodes are quite large and interfering with her breathing. Other than that, she's on a raw diet (Nature's Variety-- I can't make it on my own right now) and LOVING it! She is also on 3cc of Sutherlandia three times a day, and 2 different herbal preparations from an Australian herbalist specializing in natural dog care and treatment (one is Marine Pine Bark for her immune system and the other is an herbal lymphoma support). She is also on air-dried garlic from Springtime (same as I use and give our chickens), 1cc fermented plain cod liver oil from Greenpastures twice a day (same as I and my children take-- top quality!), and on the "Longevity" formula for dogs from Springtime. Last but not least, she is on Transfer Factor Plus (the top human grade type) from 4life. She does seem to be doing very well at this point-- some bad days here and there, but way more good days! Her coat is so much softer than it has ever been-- really a testament to how to feed a dog naturally.