Becca, I read your blog entry too and I wish you all the best with your fast and your life.
Your plan is very ambitious, it will be all and all 6 months of Water Fasting with a few interruptions that I strongly hope will be of juice fasting only, unlike Olivia Cohen did. Be aware that it's not an easy thing you're attempting. You're likely to find yourself in the same situation of Olivia, with still some fat to burn but very few minerals and electrolytes guaranteeing the health of your body. For this reason I would urge you to consider doing what she can't do anymore becasue she's supplementing, that is include some UT (urine therapy) to your plan. UT has far more to it, but at the least it would be a way you can introduce safely absorbable minerals as you go, so that you can reach your goal without depleting your body of essential nutrients. It might feel gross initially, although it never felt like this to me, you have on your side - like me - that you're vegetarian, so your urine will likely not taste too bad. And as you go into the fast, it will taste most often better and better. //