Yes, I had that thought. I quit all my supplements and went with Beck for 4 weeks. I'd avoided all colds this spring until then but got a nasty one right after I started. It probably was beating up something evil I had missed with the pad. I had gotten all the Beck devices, except the pulser, which I hoped I could mimic with the F-165 (budget decision). So, possibly that backfired. I tried to ride it out, but after failing to improve I got concerned about running my Immune system down too low. Finally went back on supplements and pad alone, after accummulated 76 hrs Beck zapping and the cold/cough has slowly receeded since, leaving me still low energy though, and with a weird rash. It's been another learning curve! And JAB was probably right in suggesting to do the whole protocol as presented. Now I am in a corner, deciding where my dwindled resources are spent with some wisdom next. I really like the fact that the Beck protocol doesn't require ID of the pathogen, and hopefully I can integrate it over time, it seems to be the perfect combination for cleaning up "rifing debris".